Source code for pyspod.spod.streaming

'''Derived module from for streaming SPOD.'''

# import standard python packages
import os
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as la
import pyspod.utils.parallel as utils_par
from pyspod.spod.base import Base

[docs] class Streaming(Base): ''' Class that implements a distributed streaming version of the Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition algorithm to the input data. The computation is performed on the data passed to the `fit` method of the `Streaming` class, derived from the `Base` class. '''
[docs] def fit(self, data_list): ''' Class-specific method to fit the data matrix using the SPOD streaming algorithm. :param list data_list: list containing data matrices for which to compute the SPOD. ''' start = time.time() ## if user forgets to pass list for single data list, ## make it to be a list if not isinstance(data_list, list): data_list = [data_list] ## initialize data and variables self._initialize(data_list, streaming = True) ## sqrt of weights sqrt_w = np.sqrt(self._weights) ## separation between adjacent blocks dn = self._n_dft - self._n_overlap ## number of blocks being updated in parallel if segments overlap n_blocks_par = int(np.ceil(self._n_dft / dn)) ## sliding, relative time index for each block t_idx = np.zeros([n_blocks_par,1], dtype=int) for block_i in range(0,n_blocks_par): t_idx[block_i] = t_idx[block_i] - (block_i) * dn self._pr0(f' ') self._pr0(f'Calculating temporal DFT (streaming)') self._pr0(f'------------------------------------') ## obtain first snapshot to determine data size data = self._reader.get_data(ts=0) assert data.shape[0] == 1, 'Data returned should have been a single snapshot' flat_dim = int(data[0,...].size) n_m_save = self._n_modes_save n_freq = self._n_freq x_new = data[0,...] x_new = np.reshape(x_new,(flat_dim,1)) ## allocate data arrays mu = np.zeros([flat_dim,1], dtype=self._complex) x_hat = np.zeros([flat_dim,n_freq],dtype=self._complex) x_sum = np.zeros([flat_dim,n_freq,n_blocks_par],dtype=self._complex) phi = np.zeros([flat_dim,n_freq,n_m_save],dtype=self._complex) u_hat = np.zeros([flat_dim,n_freq,n_m_save],dtype=self._complex) self._eigs = np.zeros([n_m_save,n_freq],dtype=self._complex) ## dft matrix dft = np.fft.fft(np.identity(self._n_dft)) ## check if real for frequency axis if self._isrealx: dft[:,1:n_freq-1] = 2 * dft[:,1:n_freq-1] if self._fullspectrum: freq_idx = np.arange(0, int(self._n_dft), 1) else: freq_idx = np.arange(0, int(self._n_dft/2+1)) dft = dft[:,freq_idx] # ## convergence tests # mse_prev = np.empty([int(1e3),n_m_save,n_freq],dtype=complex) * np.nan # proj_prev = np.empty([n_freq,int(1e3),n_m_save],dtype=complex) * np.nan # S_hat_prev = np.zeros([n_m_save,n_freq],dtype=complex) ## initialize counters block_i = 0 ti = -1 z = np.zeros([1,n_m_save], dtype=self._float) while True: ti = ti + 1 ## get new snapshot and abort if data stream runs dry if ti > 0: try: x_new = self._reader.get_data(ti) x_new = np.reshape(x_new,(flat_dim,1)) except: self._pr0(f'--> Data stream ended.') break ## update sample mean mu_old = mu mu = (ti * mu_old + x_new) / (ti + 1) ## update incomplete dft sums, eqn (17) update = False window = self._window for block_j in range(0,n_blocks_par): if t_idx[block_j] > -1: x_sum[:,:,block_j] = \ x_sum[:,:,block_j] + window[t_idx[block_j]] * \ dft[t_idx[block_j],:] * x_new ## check if sum is completed, and if so, initiate update if t_idx[block_j] == self._n_dft - 1: update = True x_hat = x_sum[:,:,block_j].copy() x_sum[:,:,block_j] = 0 t_idx[block_j] = min(t_idx) - dn else: t_idx[block_j] = t_idx[block_j] + 1 del x_new ## update basis if a dft sum is completed if update: block_i = block_i + 1 ## subtract mean contribution to dft sum for row_idx in range(0,self._n_dft): x_hat = x_hat - (window[row_idx] * dft[row_idx,:]) * mu ## correct for windowing function and apply ## 1/self._n_dft factor x_hat = self._win_weight / self._n_dft * x_hat if block_i == 0: ## initialize basis with first vector self._pr0( f'--> Initializing left singular vectors; ' f' Time {str(ti)} / block {str(block_i)}') u_hat[:,:,0] = x_hat * sqrt_w self._eigs[0,:] = np.sum(abs(u_hat[:,:,0]**2)) else: ## update basis self._pr0( f'--> Updating left singular vectors; ' f' Time {str(ti)} / block {str(block_i)}') # S_hat_prev = self._eigs.copy() for i_freq in range(0,n_freq): ## new data (weighted) x = x_hat[:,[i_freq]] * sqrt_w[:] ## old basis U = np.squeeze(u_hat[:,i_freq,:]) ## old singular values S = np.diag(np.squeeze(self._eigs[:,i_freq])) ## product U^H*x needed in eqns. (27,32) Ux = np.matmul(U.conj().T, x) Ux = utils_par.allreduce(Ux, comm=self._comm) ## orthogonal complement to U, eqn. (27) u_p = x - np.matmul(U, Ux) ## norm of orthogonal complement abs_up = np.matmul(u_p.conj().T, u_p) abs_up = utils_par.allreduce(abs_up, comm=self._comm) abs_up = np.sqrt(abs_up) ## normalized orthogonal complement u_new = u_p / abs_up del u_p ## build K matrix and compute its SVD, eqn. (32) K_1 = np.hstack((np.sqrt(block_i+2) * S, Ux)) del Ux K_2 = np.hstack((z, abs_up)) K = np.vstack((K_1, K_2)) del K_1, K_2 K = np.sqrt((block_i+1) / (block_i+2)**2) * K ## calculate partial svd Up, Sp, _ = la.svd(K, full_matrices=False) del K ## update U as in eqn. (33) ## for simplicity, we could not rotate here and instead ## update U<-[U p] and Up<-[Up 0;0 1]*Up and rotate ## later; see Brand (LAA ,2006, section 4.1) U_tmp = np.hstack((U, u_new)) U =, Up) del U_tmp ## best rank-k approximation, eqn. (37) u_hat[:,i_freq,:] = U[:,0:self._n_modes_save] self._eigs[:,i_freq] = Sp[0:self._n_modes_save] ## reset dft sum x_hat[:,:] = 0 # phi_prev = phi # phi = u_hat * (1 / sqrt_w[:,:,np.newaxis]) # ## convergence # for i_freq in range(0,n_freq): # proj_i_freq = (np.squeeze(phi_prev[:,i_freq,:]) * \ # self._weights).conj().T @ np.squeeze(phi[:,i_freq,:]) # proj_prev[i_freq,block_i,:] = \ # np.amax(np.abs(proj_i_freq), axis=0) # mse_prev[block_i,:,:] = (np.abs(S_hat_prev**2 - \ # self._eigs**2)**2) / (S_hat_prev**2) ## rescale such that <U_i,U_j>_E = U_i^H * W * U_j = delta_ij phi = u_hat[:,:,0:n_m_save] * (1 / sqrt_w[:,:,np.newaxis]) # ## shuffle and reshape phi = np.einsum('ijk->jik', phi) ## save modes for f in range(0,n_freq): filename = f'freq_idx_{f:08d}.npy' path_modes = os.path.join(self._modes_dir, filename) shape = [*self._xshape, self._nv, self._n_modes_save] if self._comm: shape[self._max_axis] = -1 phif = phi[f,...] phif.shape = shape utils_par.npy_save( self._comm, path_modes, phif, axis=self._max_axis) # ## save modes # self._modes_dir = 'modes.npy' # path_modes = os.path.join(self._savedir_sim, self._modes_dir) # shape = [self._n_freq, *self._xshape, self._nv, self._n_modes_save] # if self._comm: # shape[self._max_axis+1] = -1 # phi.shape = shape # utils_par.npy_save(self._comm, path_modes, phi, axis=self._max_axis+1) ## transpose eigs self._eigs = self._eigs.T # store and save results self._store_and_save() self._pr0(f'------------------------------------') self._pr0(f' ') self._pr0(f'Results saved in folder {self._savedir_sim}') self._pr0(f'Time to compute SPOD: {time.time() - start} s.') if self._comm: self._comm.Barrier() return self