Source code for pyspod.spod.utils

"""Utils for SPOD method."""
# Import standard Python packages
import os
import sys
import math
import time
import yaml
import psutil
import warnings
import numpy as np
import as siom

# Import custom Python packages
import pyspod.utils.parallel as utils_par
import pyspod.utils.postproc as post
CWD = os.getcwd()
B2GB = 9.313225746154785e-10

[docs] def check_orthogonality(results_dir, mode_idx1, mode_idx2, freq_idx, dtype='double', savedir=None, comm=None): ''' Check orthogonality of SPOD modes. :param str results_dir: path to results folder where to find SPOD modes. :param int mode_idx1: id first mode used for comparison. :param int mode_idx2: id second mode used for comparison. :param int freq_idx: frequency id to be used. :param str dtype: datatype to be used. Default is 'double'. :param str savedir: path where to save the data. :param MPI.Comm comm: MPI communicator. :return: orthogonality check and value. :rtype: bool, float ''' s0 = time.time() st = time.time() utils_par.pr0(f'\nComputing orthogonality check', comm) utils_par.pr0(f'-------------------------------', comm) rank, size = _configure_parallel(comm=comm) ## get dtypes and required data and params dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) params, eigs_freq, weights = _get_required_data(results_dir) xdim = params['n_space_dims'] nv = params['n_variables'] freq = eigs_freq['freq'] n_freq = params['n_freq'] n_modes_save = params['n_modes_save'] weights = _set_dtype(weights, dtype) ## distribute weights and reshape weights, max_axis, _ = utils_par.distribute(data=weights, comm=comm) xsize = weights.size weights = np.reshape(weights, [xsize, 1]) ## get modes phir = _get_modes(results_dir, n_freq, freq_idx, max_axis, xsize, n_modes_save, dt_complex, comm) phir1 = phir[:,mode_idx1] phir2 = phir[:,mode_idx2] del phir utils_par.pr0(f'- retrieved modes: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## perform orthogonality check O = phir1.conj().T @ (weights * phir2) O = utils_par.allreduce(data=O, comm=comm) tol = 2e-6 if mode_idx1 == mode_idx2: ortho_check = ((O < 1+tol) and (O>1-tol)) else: ortho_check = ((O < 0+tol) and (O>0-tol)) utils_par.barrier(comm) return ortho_check, O
[docs] def compute_coeffs_op( data, results_dir, modes_idx=None, freq_idx=None, T_lb=None, T_ub=None, tol=1e-10, svd=False, savedir=None, dtype='double', comm=None): ''' Compute coefficients through oblique projection. :param numpy.ndarray data: data. :param str results_dir: path to results folder. :param list mode_idx: ids modes used for building coefficients. Default is None. :param list freq_idx: frequency ids to be used. Default is None. :param float T_lb: lower bound period. Default is None. :param float T_ub: upper bound period. Default is None. :param float tol: tolerance for pseudoinverse. Default is 1e-10. :param float svd: whether to use svd pseudoinverse. Default is None. :param str savedir: path where to save the data. Default is None. :param str dtype: datatype to be used. Default is 'double'. :param MPI.Comm comm: MPI communicator. Default is None. :return: where the file with the coefficients is saved, and associated folder. :rtype: str, str ''' s0 = time.time() st = time.time() utils_par.pr0(f'\nComputing coefficients' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'------------------------------', comm) rank, size = _configure_parallel(comm=comm) ## get dtypes and required data and params dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) params, eigs_freq, weights = _get_required_data(results_dir) nt = data.shape[0] xdim = params['n_space_dims'] nv = params['n_variables'] freq = eigs_freq['freq'] n_freq = params['n_freq'] n_modes_save = params['n_modes_save'] data = _set_dtype(data, dtype) weights = _set_dtype(weights, dtype) ## initialize frequencies if ((T_lb is None) or (T_ub is None)) and (freq_idx is None): f_idx_lb = 0 f_idx_ub = n_freq - 1 f_lb = freq[f_idx_lb] f_ub = freq[f_idx_ub] else: f_lb, f_idx_lb = post.find_nearest_freq(freq_req=1/T_ub, freq=freq) f_ub, f_idx_ub = post.find_nearest_freq(freq_req=1/T_lb, freq=freq) n_freq_r = f_idx_ub - f_idx_lb + 1 if freq_idx is None: freq_idx = np.arange(f_idx_lb, f_idx_ub + 1) utils_par.pr0(f'- identified frequencies: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## initialize coeffs matrix shape_tmp = (n_freq_r*n_modes_save, nt) coeffs = np.zeros(shape_tmp, dtype=dt_complex) ## distribute data and weights if parallel data, max_axis, _ = utils_par.distribute_data(data, comm) weights = utils_par.distribute_dimension(weights, max_axis, comm) ## add axis for single variable if not isinstance(data,np.ndarray): data = data.values if (nv == 1) and (data.ndim != xdim + 2): data = data[...,np.newaxis] xsize = weights.size xshape_nv = data[0,...].shape ## flatten spatial x variable dimensions data = np.reshape(data, [nt, xsize]) weights = np.reshape(weights, [xsize, 1]) ## compute time mean and subtract from data (reuse the one from fit?) lt_mean = np.mean(data, axis=0); data = data - lt_mean utils_par.pr0(f'- data and time mean: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## get modes phir = _get_modes(results_dir, n_freq_r, freq_idx, max_axis, xsize, n_modes_save, dt_complex, comm) utils_par.pr0(f'- retrieved modes: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## create coeffs folder coeffs_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, f'coeffs_{f_idx_lb}_{f_idx_ub}') if savedir is not None: coeffs_dir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, savedir) if rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(coeffs_dir): os.makedirs(coeffs_dir) utils_par.barrier(comm) # evaluate the coefficients by oblique projection coeffs = _oblique_projection( phir, weights, data, tol=tol, svd=svd, dtype=dtype, comm=comm) utils_par.pr0(f'- oblique projection done: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() utils_par.barrier(comm) del data, weights ## save auxiliary files file_phir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'modes_r.npy') file_lt_mean = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'ltm.npy') shape_tmp = (*xshape_nv,n_freq_r*n_modes_save) shape_phir = [*shape_tmp] shape_lt_mean = [*xshape_nv] if comm: shape_phir[max_axis] = -1 shape_lt_mean[max_axis] = -1 phir.shape = shape_tmp lt_mean.shape = xshape_nv utils_par.npy_save(comm, file_phir, phir, axis=max_axis) utils_par.npy_save(comm, file_lt_mean, lt_mean, axis=max_axis) utils_par.barrier(comm) del lt_mean, phir # save coefficients file_coeffs = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'coeffs.npy') if rank == 0:, coeffs) utils_par.barrier(comm) del coeffs ## dump file with coeffs params params['coeffs_dir' ] = str(coeffs_dir) params['modes_idx' ] = modes_idx if T_lb is not None: params['T_lb'] = float(T_lb) if T_ub is not None: params['T_ub'] = float(T_ub) params['n_freq_r' ] = int(n_freq_r) params['freq_lb' ] = float(f_lb) params['freq_ub' ] = float(f_ub) params['freq_idx_lb'] = int(f_idx_lb) params['freq_idx_ub'] = int(f_idx_ub) params['max_axis' ] = int(max_axis) path_params_coeffs = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'params_coeffs.yaml') with open(path_params_coeffs, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(params, f) utils_par.pr0(f'- saving completed: {time.time() - st} s.' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'-----------------------------------------' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Coefficients saved in folder: {file_coeffs}', comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Elapsed time: {time.time() - s0} s.' , comm) utils_par.barrier(comm) return file_coeffs, coeffs_dir
[docs] def compute_coeffs_conv( data, results_dir, modes_idx=None, freq_idx=None, T_lb=None, T_ub=None, tol=1e-10, svd=False, savedir=None, dtype='double', comm=None): ''' Continuously-discrete temporal expansion coefficients of SPOD modes via convolution. :param numpy.ndarray data: data. :param str results_dir: path to results folder. :param list mode_idx: ids modes used for building coefficients. Default is None. :param list freq_idx: frequency ids to be used. Default is None. :param float T_lb: lower bound period. Default is None. :param float T_ub: upper bound period. Default is None. :param float tol: tolerance for pseudoinverse. Default is 1e-10. :param float svd: whether to use svd pseudoinverse. Default is None. :param str savedir: path where to save the data. Default is None. :param str dtype: datatype to be used. Default is 'double'. :param MPI.Comm comm: MPI communicator. Default is None. :return: where the file with the coefficients is saved, and associated folder. :rtype: str, str ''' s0 = time.time() st = time.time() utils_par.pr0(f'\nComputing coefficients' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'------------------------------', comm) rank, size = _configure_parallel(comm=comm) ## get dtypes and required data and params dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) params, eigs_freq, weights = _get_required_data(results_dir) nt = data.shape[0] xdim = params['n_space_dims'] nv = params['n_variables'] freq = eigs_freq['freq'] n_freq = params['n_freq'] n_dft = params['n_dft'] n_modes_save = params['n_modes_save'] data = _set_dtype(data, dtype) weights = _set_dtype(weights, dtype) # get default spectral estimation parameters and options # define default spectral estimation parameters if isinstance(n_dft, int): window = _hamming_window(n_dft) window = _set_dtype(window, dtype) window_name = 'hamming' else: raise TypeError('n_dft must be an integer.') # determine correction for FFT window gain win_weight = 1 / np.mean(window) window = window.reshape(window.shape[0], 1) ## initialize frequencies if ((T_lb is None) or (T_ub is None)) and (freq_idx is None): f_idx_lb = 0 f_idx_ub = n_freq - 1 f_lb = freq[f_idx_lb] f_ub = freq[f_idx_ub] else: f_lb, f_idx_lb = post.find_nearest_freq(freq_req=1/T_ub, freq=freq) f_ub, f_idx_ub = post.find_nearest_freq(freq_req=1/T_lb, freq=freq) n_freq_r = f_idx_ub - f_idx_lb + 1 if freq_idx is None: freq_idx = np.arange(f_idx_lb, f_idx_ub + 1) utils_par.pr0(f'- identified frequencies: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## initialize coeffs matrix shape_tmp = (n_freq_r, nt, n_modes_save) coeffs = np.zeros(shape_tmp, dtype=dt_complex) ## distribute data and weights if parallel data, max_axis, _ = utils_par.distribute_data(data, comm) weights = utils_par.distribute_dimension(weights, max_axis, comm) ## add axis for single variable if not isinstance(data,np.ndarray): data = data.values if (nv == 1) and (data.ndim != xdim + 2): data = data[...,np.newaxis] xsize = weights.size xshape_nv = data[0,...].shape ## flatten spatial x variable dimensions data = np.reshape(data, [nt, xsize]) weights = np.reshape(weights, [xsize, 1]) ## compute time mean and subtract from data (reuse the one from fit?) lt_mean = np.mean(data, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) data = data - lt_mean utils_par.pr0(f'- data and time mean: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## get modes # phir = _get_modes(results_dir, n_freq_r, # freq_idx, max_axis, xsize, n_modes_save, dt_complex, comm) phir = np.empty([n_freq, xsize, n_modes_save], dtype=dt_complex) for i_freq in freq_idx: phi = post.get_modes_at_freq(results_dir, freq_idx=i_freq) phi = utils_par.distribute_dimension(phi, max_axis, comm) phi = np.reshape(phi,[xsize,n_modes_save]) phir[i_freq,...] = phi utils_par.pr0(f'- retrieved modes: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() ## padding the data with zeroes at both ends ## probably hstack needed. (need to add two columns of zeros) z = np.zeros([int(np.ceil(n_dft/2)), xsize]) data = np.concatenate((z, data, z), axis=0) win_corr_fac = n_dft / win_weight; # siom.savemat(os.path.join(CWD, 'X_tcoeffs.mat'), {'X': data}) # siom.savemat(os.path.join(CWD, 'P_tcoeffs.mat'), {'P': phir}) ## create coeffs folder coeffs_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, f'coeffs_{f_idx_lb}_{f_idx_ub}') if savedir is not None: coeffs_dir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, savedir) if rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(coeffs_dir): os.makedirs(coeffs_dir) utils_par.barrier(comm) ## calculate expansion coefficients for i in range(0, nt): utils_par.pr0(f'--- time {i+1}/{nt}', comm) Q_blk = np.fft.fft(data[i:i+n_dft,:] * window, axis=0) Q_blk = Q_blk[freq_idx,:] ## correction for windowing of zero-padded data thres = int(np.ceil(n_dft / 2)) if (i < thres - 2): lb = thres - i - 1 ub = n_dft corr = math.sqrt(win_corr_fac / np.sum(window[lb:ub])) elif (i >= nt - thres): lb = 0 ub = nt + thres - i - 1 corr = math.sqrt(win_corr_fac / np.sum(window[lb:ub])) else: corr = 1 # ## loop over freqs and modes # for j in freq_idx: # for l in range(0,3): # p_tmp = np.squeeze(phir[j,:,l]).conj().T # x_tmp = (Q_blk[j,:] * np.squeeze(weights)).T # p_tmp = p_tmp[None,...] # x_tmp = x_tmp[...,None] # coeffs[j,i,l] = corr * (p_tmp @ x_tmp) # print(f'{coeffs.shape = :}') # print(f'{x_tmp.shape = :}') # print(f'{p_tmp.shape = :}') # print(f'{phir.shape = :}') # print(f'{Q_blk.shape = :}') ## loop over freqs and modes p_tmp = np.squeeze(phir).conj().T x_tmp = (Q_blk * np.squeeze(weights)) # p_tmp = p_tmp[None,...] # x_tmp = x_tmp[...] # print(f'{coeffs.shape = :}') # print(f'{x_tmp.shape = :}') # print(f'{p_tmp.shape = :}') # print(f'{phir.shape = :}') # print(f'{Q_blk.shape = :}') coeffs[:,i,:] = corr * np.einsum('ij,kji->ik', x_tmp, p_tmp) utils_par.pr0(f'- calculation expansion coeffs done: ' f'{time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() utils_par.barrier(comm) # siom.savemat(os.path.join(CWD, 'a_tcoeffs.mat'), {'a': coeffs}) del data, weights ## save auxiliary files file_phir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'modes_r.npy') file_lt_mean = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'ltm.npy') shape_tmp = (*xshape_nv,n_freq_r,n_modes_save) shape_phir = [*shape_tmp] shape_lt_mean = [*xshape_nv] if comm: shape_phir[max_axis] = -1 shape_lt_mean[max_axis] = -1 phir.shape = shape_tmp lt_mean.shape = xshape_nv utils_par.npy_save(comm, file_phir, phir, axis=max_axis) utils_par.npy_save(comm, file_lt_mean, lt_mean, axis=max_axis) utils_par.barrier(comm) del lt_mean, phir # save coefficients file_coeffs = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'coeffs.npy') if rank == 0:, coeffs) utils_par.barrier(comm) del coeffs ## dump file with coeffs params params['coeffs_dir' ] = str(coeffs_dir) params['modes_idx' ] = modes_idx if T_lb is not None: params['T_lb'] = float(T_lb) if T_ub is not None: params['T_ub'] = float(T_ub) params['n_freq_r' ] = int(n_freq_r) params['freq_lb' ] = float(f_lb) params['freq_ub' ] = float(f_ub) params['freq_idx_lb'] = int(f_idx_lb) params['freq_idx_ub'] = int(f_idx_ub) params['max_axis' ] = int(max_axis) path_params_coeffs = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'params_coeffs.yaml') with open(path_params_coeffs, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(params, f) utils_par.pr0(f'- saving completed: {time.time() - st} s.' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'-----------------------------------------' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Coefficients saved in folder: {file_coeffs}', comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Elapsed time: {time.time() - s0} s.' , comm) utils_par.barrier(comm) return file_coeffs, coeffs_dir
[docs] def compute_reconstruction( coeffs_dir, time_idx, coeffs=None, savedir=None, filename=None, dtype='double', comm=None): ''' Reconstruct original data through oblique projection. :param str coeffs_dir: path to coefficients folder. :param list time_idx: ids of times to be used for building reconstruction. :param list coeffs: coefficients. Default is None. :param str savedir: path where to save the data. Default is None. :param str filename: filename to use for saving reconstruction. Default is None. :param str dtype: datatype to be used. Default is 'double'. :param MPI.Comm comm: MPI communicator. Default is None. :return: where the file with the reconstruction is saved, and associated folder. :rtype: str, str ''' s0 = time.time() st = time.time() utils_par.pr0(f'\nReconstructing data from coefficients' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'------------------------------------------', comm) rank, size = _configure_parallel(comm=comm) ## get dtypes dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) ## load required files coeffs_dir = os.path.join(CWD, coeffs_dir) file_lt_mean = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'ltm.npy') file_phir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'modes_r.npy') file_params = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'params_coeffs.yaml') lt_mean = np.lib.format.open_memmap(file_lt_mean) phir = np.lib.format.open_memmap(file_phir) with open(file_params) as f: params = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) xshape_nv = lt_mean.shape ## try to load coefficients from file if not provided if coeffs is None: try: file_coeffs = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, 'coeffs.npy') coeffs = np.lib.format.open_memmap(file_coeffs) except: raise Exception('`coeffs` file not found.') ## set datatypes coeffs = _set_dtype(coeffs, dtype) phir = _set_dtype(phir, dtype) # get time snapshots to be reconstructed nt = coeffs.shape[1] if time_idx is None: time_idx = [0,nt%2,nt-1] elif isinstance(time_idx, str): if time_idx.lower() == 'all' : time_idx = np.arange(0, nt) elif time_idx.lower() == 'half' : time_idx = np.arange(0, nt, 2) elif time_idx.lower() == 'quarter' : time_idx = np.arange(0, nt, 4) elif time_idx.lower() == 'tenth' : time_idx = np.arange(0, nt, 10) elif time_idx.lower() == 'hundredth': time_idx = np.arange(0, nt, 100) elif isinstance(time_idx, list): time_idx = time_idx else: raise TypeError('`time_idx` parameter type not recognized.') ## distribute modes_r and longtime mean max_axis = params['max_axis'] phir = utils_par.distribute_dimension(phir, max_axis, comm) lt_mean = utils_par.distribute_dimension(lt_mean, max_axis, comm) if coeffs.ndim == 2: Q_rec = _compute_rec_op(phir, coeffs, lt_mean, time_idx, comm) elif coeffs.ndim == 3: Q_rec = _compute_rec_conv(phir, coeffs, lt_mean, time_idx, comm) else: raise ValueError('dimension of `coeffs` not recognized.') ## reshape and save reconstructed solution if filename is None: filename = 'reconstructed' if savedir is not None: coeffs_dir = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, savedir) if rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(coeffs_dir): os.makedirs(coeffs_dir) if comm: comm.Barrier() file_dynamics = os.path.join(coeffs_dir, filename+'.npy') shape = [*xshape_nv, len(time_idx)] if comm: shape[max_axis] = -1 Q_rec.shape = shape Q_rec = np.moveaxis(Q_rec, -1, 0) utils_par.npy_save(comm, file_dynamics, Q_rec, axis=max_axis+1) utils_par.pr0(f'- data saved: {time.time() - st} s.' , comm) utils_par.pr0(f'--------------------------------------------', comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Reconstructed data saved in: {file_dynamics}', comm) utils_par.pr0(f'Elapsed time: {time.time() - s0} s.' , comm) utils_par.barrier(comm) return file_dynamics, coeffs_dir
def _compute_rec_op(phir, coeffs, lt_mean, time_idx, comm=None): st = time.time() ## phi x coeffs Q_rec = phir @ coeffs[:,time_idx] utils_par.pr0(f'- phi x a completed: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) del phir, coeffs st = time.time() ## add time mean Q_rec = Q_rec + lt_mean[...,None] utils_par.pr0(f'- added time mean: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() return Q_rec def _compute_rec_conv(phir, coeffs, lt_mean, time_idx, comm=None): st = time.time() ## reshape modes and coeffs nt = coeffs.shape[1] xshape_nv = phir[...,0,0].shape n_freq_r = coeffs.shape[0] n_modes_save = coeffs.shape[-1] phir = np.reshape(phir, (xshape_nv + (n_modes_save * n_freq_r,))) coeffs = np.einsum('ijk->ikj', coeffs) coeffs = np.reshape(coeffs, [n_modes_save * n_freq_r, nt]) ## phi x coeffs Q_rec = phir @ coeffs[:,time_idx] utils_par.pr0(f'- phi x a completed: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) del phir, coeffs st = time.time() ## add time mean Q_rec = Q_rec + lt_mean[...,None] utils_par.pr0(f'- added time mean: {time.time() - st} s.', comm) st = time.time() return Q_rec def _oblique_projection(phir, weights, data, tol, svd=False, dtype='double', comm=None): '''Compute oblique projection for time coefficients.''' ## get dtypes dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) data = data.T M = phir.conj().T @ (weights * phir) Q = phir.conj().T @ (weights * data) del weights, data, phir M = utils_par.allreduce(data=M, comm=comm) Q = utils_par.allreduce(data=Q, comm=comm) coeffs = np.zeros([Q.shape[1], Q.shape[0]]) if svd: u, l, v = np.linalg.svd(M) l_inv = np.zeros([len(l),len(l)], dtype=dt_complex) l_max = np.max(l) for i in range(len(l)): if (l[i] > tol * l_max): l_inv[i,i] = 1 / l[i] M_inv = (v.conj().T @ l_inv) @ u.conj().T coeffs = M_inv @ Q del u, l, v del l_inv del l_max del M_inv del Q, M else: M_inv = np.linalg.pinv(M, tol) coeffs = M_inv @ Q del M_inv del Q, M return coeffs # def _oblique_projection(phir, weights, data, tol, svd=False, # dtype='double', comm=None): # '''Compute oblique projection for time coefficients.''' # ## get dtypes # dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) # data = data.T # M = phir.conj().T @ (weights * phir) # Q = phir.conj().T @ (weights * data) # print(f'{M.shape = :}') # print(f'{Q.shape = :}') # sys.exit(2) # del weights, data, phir # M = utils_par.allreduce(data=M, comm=comm) # Q = utils_par.allreduce(data=Q, comm=comm) # coeffs = np.zeros([Q.shape[1], Q.shape[0]]) # if svd: # u, l, v = np.linalg.svd(M) # l_inv = np.zeros([len(l),len(l)], dtype=dt_complex) # l_max = np.max(l) # for i in range(len(l)): # if (l[i] > tol * l_max): # l_inv[i,i] = 1 / l[i] # M_inv = (v.conj().T @ l_inv) @ u.conj().T # coeffs = M_inv @ Q # del u, l, v # del l_inv # del l_max # del M_inv # del Q, M # else: # M_inv = np.linalg.pinv(M, tol) # coeffs = M_inv @ Q # del M_inv # del Q, M # return coeffs def _hamming_window(N): ''' Standard Hamming window of length N ''' x = np.arange(0,N,1) window = (0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / (N-1))).T return window # def _slepsec(n_dft, bw, n_tapers): # ''' # SLEPSEC Discrete prolate spheroidal sequences of length nDFT and # time-halfbandwidth product bw # ''' # df = bw / n_dft # j = np.arange(0:n_dft-1) # r1 = [df * 2 * np.pi, np.sin(2 * np.pi * df * j) ./ j] # # S = toeplitz(r1) # S = toeplitz(r1) # [U,L] = np.eig(S) # [~,idx] = np.sort(diag(L),'descend') # U = U[:,idx] # window = U[:,1:n_tapers] # return window def _configure_parallel(comm): if comm: rank = comm.rank size = comm.size else: rank = 0 size = 1 return rank, size def _get_required_data(results_dir): ## load required files results_dir = os.path.join(CWD, results_dir) file_eigs_freq = os.path.join(results_dir, 'eigs_freq.npz') file_weights = os.path.join(results_dir, 'weights.npy') file_params = os.path.join(results_dir, 'params_modes.yaml') ## try to load basic file from modes calculation try: eigs_freq = np.load(file_eigs_freq) except: raise Exception( 'eigs_freq.npz not found. Consider running fit to ' 'compute SPOD modes before computing coefficients.') ## load rest of files if found weights = np.lib.format.open_memmap(file_weights) with open(file_params) as f: params = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return params, eigs_freq, weights def _get_modes(results_dir, n_freq, freq_idx, max_axis, xsize, n_modes_save, dt_complex, comm): ## order weights and modes such that each frequency contains ## all required modes (n_modes_save) ## - freq_0: modes from 0 to n_modes_save ## - freq_1: modes from 0 to n_modes_save ## ... # initialize modes shape = (xsize, n_freq*n_modes_save) phir = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dt_complex) cnt_freq = 0 for i_freq in freq_idx: phi = post.get_modes_at_freq(results_dir, freq_idx=i_freq) phi = utils_par.distribute_dimension(phi, max_axis, comm) phi = np.reshape(phi,[xsize,n_modes_save]) for i_mode in range(n_modes_save): jump_freq = n_modes_save * cnt_freq + i_mode phir[:,jump_freq] = phi[:,i_mode] cnt_freq = cnt_freq + 1 del phi return phir def _get_dtype(dtype): if (dtype == 'double') or (dtype == np.float64): d_float = np.float64 d_complex = np.complex128 elif (dtype == 'single') or (dtype == np.float32): d_float = np.float32 d_complex = np.complex64 else: raise ValueError(f'invalid dtype {dtype}.') return d_float, d_complex def _set_dtype(d, dtype): ## set data type dt_float, dt_complex = _get_dtype(dtype) if d.dtype == float : d = d.astype(dt_float ) elif d.dtype == complex: d = d.astype(dt_complex) return d