Source code for pyspod.utils.postproc

'''Various postprocessing utilities.

.. default-role:: autolink

# import standard python packages
import os
import shutil
import glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
mpl.rc('figure', max_open_warning = 0)
from os.path import splitext
from import loadmat

# Current, parent and file paths
CWD = os.getcwd()
CFD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
plot_support = os.path.join(CFD, 'plotting_support')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# default fonts
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_font():
    available_fonts = [ for f in matplotlib.font_manager.fontManager.ttflist]
    if 'Times New Roman' in available_fonts:
        return 'Times New Roman'
    if 'DejaVu Sans' in available_fonts:
        return 'DejaVu Sans'
    return available_fonts[0]

# getters
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def find_nearest_freq(freq_req, freq): ''' Get nearest frequency to requested `freq_req` given an array of frequencies `freq`. :param float freq_req: requested frequency. :param numpy.ndarray freq: array of frequencies. :return: the nearest frequency to the `freq_req` requested and its id. :rtype: tuple[float, int] ''' freq = np.asarray(freq) idx = (np.abs(freq - freq_req)).argmin() return freq[idx], idx
[docs] def find_nearest_coords(coords, x, data_space_dim): ''' Get nearest data coordinates to requested coordinates `coords`. :param numpy.ndarray coords: coordinate requested. :param list x: data coordinates. :param int: spatial dimension of the data. :return: the nearest coordinate to the `coords` requested and its id. :rtype: tuple[numpy.ndarray, int] ''' coords = np.asarray(coords) if isinstance(x, list): grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(*x, indexing='ij')) else: raise TypeError('`x` must be a list.') # check dimensions if grid[0,::].shape != data_space_dim: raise ValueError('Dimensions of coordinates `x` does not match data.') idx = tuple() xi = tuple() for i, coord in enumerate(coords): cnt = len(grid[i,::].shape) - i - 1 tmp = np.abs(grid[i,::] - coord) tmp_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(tmp), tmp.shape) tuple_idx = (i,) + tmp_idx xi += (grid[tuple_idx],) idx += (tmp_idx[cnt],) return xi, idx
[docs] def get_modes_at_freq(results_path, freq_idx): ''' Get the matrix containing the SPOD modes at given frequency `freq_idx`, stored by [frequencies, spatial dimensions data, no. of variables, no. of modes]. :param str results_path: path to the files where the SPOD modes are stored. :param int freq_idx: frequency id requested. :return: the n_dims, n_vars, n_modes \ matrix containing the SPOD modes at requested frequency. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' # load modes from files if saved in storage if not isinstance(results_path, str): raise TypeError('Modes must be a string to modes.npy') tmp_str = f'freq_idx_{freq_idx:08d}.npy' filename = os.path.join(results_path, 'modes', tmp_str) if os.path.exists(filename): m = get_data_from_file(filename) else: tmp_str = f'freq_idx_f{freq_idx:08d}_m*.npy' filename = os.path.join(results_path, 'modes', tmp_str) modes = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(filename))) nmodes = len(modes) if nmodes > 0: m = None for idx, imode in enumerate(modes): mode = np.load(imode) if idx == 0: m = np.zeros((mode.shape)+(nmodes,), dtype=mode.dtype) m[...,idx] = mode return m
def get_all_modes(results_path): ''' Get the matrix containing all SPOD modes, stored by [frequencies, spatial dimensions data, no. of variables, no. of modes]. :param str results_path: path to the files where the SPOD modes are stored. :return: [n_freq, n_dims, n_vars, n_modes] matrix containing all SPOD modes. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' if isinstance(results_path, str): import glob, os modes_path = os.path.join(results_path, 'modes') os.chdir(modes_path) flist = [] for filename in glob.glob("*.npy"): flist.append(filename) flist.sort() m = [None] * len(flist) for f_idx, f in enumerate(flist): m[f_idx] = get_data_from_file(f) m = np.stack(m) else: raise TypeError('Modes must be a string to modes.npy') return m
[docs] def get_data_from_file(filename): ''' Load data from file :param str filename: path from where to load data. :return: the requested data stored in `filename` :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' _, ext = splitext(filename) if ext.lower() == '.npy': # m = np.load(filename) m = np.lib.format.open_memmap(filename) # mode='r+', dtype=None, shape=None, fortran_order=False, version=None) # elif ext.lower() == '.mat': # pass # elif ext.lower() == 'nc': # pass else: raise ValueError(ext, 'file extension not recognized.') return m
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # plotting methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_eigs(eigs, title='', figsize=(12,8), show_axes=True, equal_axes=False, path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot eigenvalues `eigs`. :param ndarray eigs: eigenvalues. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param bool show_axes: if True, the axes will be showed. Default is True. :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. Default is False. :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' if not isinstance(eigs, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`eigs` must be ndarray type.') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if len(title) > 1: plt.title(title) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(eigs.real, eigs.imag, 'ko', label='Eigenvalues') # dashed gridlines gridlines = ax.get_xgridlines() + ax.get_ygridlines() for line in gridlines: line.set_linestyle('-.') ax.grid(True) # axes management limit = np.max(np.ceil(np.absolute(eigs))) if show_axes: ax.annotate( '', xy=(np.nanmax([limit * 1.1, 1.]), 0.), xytext=(np.nanmin([-limit * 1.1, -1.]), 0.), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.annotate( '', xy=(0., np.nanmax([limit * 1.1, 1.])), xytext=(0., np.nanmin([-limit * 1.1, -1.])), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.set_xlim((-limit*1.2, limit*1.2)) ax.set_ylim((-limit*1.2, limit*1.2)) plt.ylabel('Imaginary part') plt.xlabel('Real part') if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') # save or show plots _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_eigs_vs_frequency( eigs, freq, title='', xticks=None, yticks=None, show_axes=True, equal_axes=False, figsize=(12,8), fontname=get_font(), fontsize=16, path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot eigenvalues vs. frequency. :param ndarray eigs: eigenvalues. :param ndarray freq: frequency vector to be used as the x-axis. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. :param tuple or list xticks: ticks to be set on x-axis. Default is None. :param tuple or list yticks: ticks to be set on y-axis. Default is None. :param bool show_axes: if True, the axes will be showed. Default is True. :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. Default is False. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' csfont = {'fontname': fontname} szfont = {'fontsize': fontsize} if not isinstance(eigs, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`eigs` must be ndarray type.') if not isinstance(freq, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`freq` must be ndarray type.') # plot figure plt.figure(figsize=figsize, frameon=True, constrained_layout=False) ax = plt.gca() ratio = 1. / eigs.shape[1] for k in range(0,eigs.shape[1]): color = (ratio*k,ratio*k,ratio*k) if ratio*k >=0.95: color = (0.96,0.96, 0.96) ax.plot(freq, np.real(eigs[:,k]), '-', color=color, label='Eigenvalues') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.grid(True) # axes management ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(ax, xticks, yticks) plt.xlabel('Frequency', **szfont, **csfont) plt.ylabel('Eigenvalues', **szfont, **csfont) plt.xticks(**csfont, **szfont) plt.yticks(**csfont, **szfont) if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') if len(title) > 1: plt.title(title) # save or show plots _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_eigs_vs_period( eigs, freq, title='', xticks=None, yticks=None, show_axes=True, equal_axes=False, figsize=(12,8), fontname=get_font(), fontsize=16, path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot eigenvalues vs. period = 1 / freq. :param ndarray eigs: eigenvalues. :param ndarray freq: frequency vector to be used as the x-axis. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param tuple or list xticks: ticks to be set on x-axis. Default is None. :param tuple or list yticks: ticks to be set on y-axis. Default is None. :param bool show_axes: if True, the axes will be showed. Default is True. :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. Default is False. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' csfont = {'fontname': fontname} szfont = {'fontsize': fontsize} if not isinstance(eigs, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`eigs` must be ndarray type.') if not isinstance(freq, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`freq` must be ndarray type.') # compute time vector with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): xx = 1. / freq # plot figure plt.figure(figsize=figsize, frameon=True, constrained_layout=False) ax = plt.gca() ratio = 1. / eigs.shape[1] for k in range(0,eigs.shape[1]): color = (ratio*k,ratio*k,ratio*k) if ratio*k >=0.95: color = (0.96,0.96, 0.96) ax.plot(xx, np.real(eigs[:,k]), '-', color=color, label='Eigenvalues') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.grid(True) ax.tick_params(labelsize=22) plt.tight_layout(pad=5.0) # set limits for axis ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(ax, xticks, yticks) plt.xlabel('Period', **szfont, **csfont) plt.ylabel('Eigenvalues', **szfont, **csfont) plt.xticks(**csfont, **szfont) plt.yticks(**csfont, **szfont) if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') if len(title) > 1: plt.title(title) # save or show plots _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_2d_modes_at_frequency(results_path, freq_req, freq, vars_idx=[0], modes_idx=[0], x1=None, x2=None, limits_x1=(None,), limits_x2=(None,), fftshift=False, imaginary=False, plot_max=False, coastlines='', title='', xticks=None, yticks=None, cmap='coolwarm', figsize=(12,8), equal_axes=False, path='CWD', filename=None, origin=None, modes=None, pdf=None, shift180=False): ''' Plot SPOD modes for 2D problems at a given frequency `freq_req`. :param str results_path: file containing 2D SPOD modes. :param float freq_req: frequency to be plotted. :param numpy.ndarray freq: frequency array. :param int or sequence(int) vars_idx: variables to be plotted. Default, the first variable is plotted. :param int or sequence(int) modes_idx: modes to be plotted. Default, the first mode is plotted. :param numpy.ndarray x1: x-axis coordinate. :param numpy.ndarray x2: y-axis coordinate. :param tuple limits_x1: x-axis coordinate limits indices. :param tuple limits_x2: y-axis coordinate limits indices. :param bool fftshift: whether to perform fft-shifting. Default is False. :param bool imaginary: whether to plot imaginary part. Default is False :param bool plot_max: whether to plot a dot at maximum value of the plot. Default is False. :param str coastlines: whether to overlay coastlines. \ Options are `regular` (longitude from 0 to 360) \ and `centred` (longitude from -180 to 180). Default is '' (no coastlines). :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param tuple or list xticks: ticks to be set on x-axis. Default is None. :param tuple or list yticks: ticks to be set on y-axis. Default is None. :param cmap: contour map for plot. Default is 'coolwarm'. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. Default is False. :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # get idx modes if isinstance(modes_idx, int): modes_idx = [modes_idx] if not isinstance(modes_idx, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError('`modes_idx` must be a list or tuple') # get modes at required frequency freq_val, freq_idx = find_nearest_freq(freq_req=freq_req, freq=freq) # read modes from file, unless they have been passed if modes is None: modes = get_modes_at_freq(results_path=results_path, freq_idx=freq_idx) # if domain dimensions have not been passed, use data dimensions if x1 is None and x2 is None: x1 = np.arange(modes.shape[0]) x2 = np.arange(modes.shape[1]) x1_tmp = x1 x2_tmp = x2 limits_x1 = slice(*limits_x1) limits_x2 = slice(*limits_x2) x1 = x1[limits_x1] x2 = x2[limits_x2] if shift180: x1 -= 180 ## loop over variables and modes for var_id in vars_idx: for mode_id in modes_idx: if mode_id >= modes.shape[-1]: continue ## initialize figure fig = plt.figure( figsize=figsize, frameon=True, constrained_layout=False) plt.set_cmap(cmap) ## extract mode mode = np.squeeze(modes[:,:,var_id,mode_id]) if shift180: mode = np.hstack((mode[:,mode.shape[1]//2:], mode[:,:mode.shape[1]//2])) ## check dimensions if mode.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('Dimension of the modes is not 2D.') ## perform fft shift if required if fftshift: mode = np.fft.fftshift(mode, axes=1) ## check modes if x1_tmp.shape[0] != mode.shape[1] or \ x2_tmp.shape[0] != mode.shape[0]: mode = mode.T mode = mode[limits_x2,limits_x1] # check dimension axes and data size_coords = x1.shape[0] * x2.shape[0] if size_coords != mode.size: raise ValueError( 'Mode dimension does not match coordinates dimensions.') # plot data if imaginary: real_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) real = real_ax.contourf( x1, x2, np.real(mode), vmin=-np.abs(mode).max()*1., vmax= np.abs(mode).max()*1., origin=origin) imag_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) imag = imag_ax.contourf( x1, x2, np.imag(mode), vmin=-np.abs(mode).max()*1., vmax= np.abs(mode).max()*1., origin=origin) if plot_max: idx_x2,idx_x1 = np.where(np.abs(mode) == \ np.amax(np.abs(mode))) real_ax = _apply_2d_vertical_lines( real_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) imag_ax =_apply_2d_vertical_lines( imag_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) real_divider = make_axes_locatable(real_ax) imag_divider = make_axes_locatable(imag_ax) real_cax = real_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) imag_cax = imag_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(real, cax=real_cax) plt.colorbar(imag, cax=imag_cax) # overlay coastlines if required real_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, real_ax) imag_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, imag_ax) # axis management real_ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(real_ax, x1, x2) imag_ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(imag_ax, x1, x2) real_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(real_ax, xticks, yticks) imag_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(imag_ax, xticks, yticks) if equal_axes: real_ax.set_aspect('equal') imag_ax.set_aspect('equal') if len(title) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'{title}, mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') else: fig.suptitle(f'mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') real_ax.set_title('Real part') imag_ax.set_title('Imaginary part') else: real_ax = plt.gca() real = real_ax.contourf( x1, x2, np.real(mode), vmin=-np.abs(mode).max()*1., vmax= np.abs(mode).max()*1., origin=origin) if plot_max: idx_x2,idx_x1 = np.where(np.abs(mode) == \ np.amax(np.abs(mode))) real_ax = _apply_2d_vertical_lines( real_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) real_divider = make_axes_locatable(real_ax) real_cax = real_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(real, cax=real_cax) real_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, real_ax) # axis management if equal_axes: real_ax.set_aspect('equal') real_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(real_ax, xticks, yticks) real_ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(real_ax, x1, x2) if len(title) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'{title}, mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') else: fig.suptitle(f'mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') # # padding between elements # plt.tight_layout() # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = f'{basename}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt, pdf=pdf) if shift180: x1 += 180
# def plot_2d_mode_slice_vs_time(results_path, freq_req, freq, # vars_idx=[0], modes_idx=[0], x1=None, x2=None, max_each_mode=False, # fftshift=False, title='', figsize=(12,8), equal_axes=False, path='CWD', # filename=None): # ''' # Plot the time evolution of SPOD mode slices for 2D problems. # # :param str results_path: file containing 2D SPOD modes. # :param float freq_req: frequency to be plotted. # :param numpy.ndarray freq: frequency array. # :param int or sequence(int) vars_idx: variables to be plotted. \ # Default, the first variable is plotted. # :param int or sequence(int) modes_idx: modes to be plotted. \ # Default, the first mode is plotted. # :param numpy.ndarray x1: x-axis coordinate. # :param numpy.ndarray x2: y-axis coordinate. # :param bool max_each_mode: whether to use the maximum value \ # of each mode to color plots. Default is False (use maximum \ # of leading mode). # :param bool fftshift: whether to perform fft-shifting. \ # Default is False. # :param bool imaginary: whether to plot imaginary part. \ # Default is False # :param bool plot_max: whether to plot a dot at maximum value of the plot. \ # Default is False. # :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. # :param tuple or list xticks: ticks to be set on x-axis. \ # Default is None. # :param tuple or list yticks: ticks to be set on y-axis. \ # Default is None. # :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. \ # Default is False. # :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ # Default is (12,8). # :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. \ # Default is CWD. # :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ # Default is None. # ''' # # # get idx variables # vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # # # get idx modes # if isinstance(modes_idx, int): # modes_idx = [modes_idx] # if not isinstance(modes_idx, (list,tuple)): # raise TypeError('`modes_idx` must be a list or tuple') # # # get modes at required frequency # freq_val, freq_idx = find_nearest_freq(freq_req=freq_req, freq=freq) # modes = get_modes_at_freq(results_path=results_path, freq_idx=freq_idx) # # # if domain dimensions have not been passed, use data dimensions # if x1 is None and x2 is None: # x1 = np.arange(modes.shape[0]) # x2 = np.arange(modes.shape[1]) # # # calculate period and time vector # n_points = 50 # period = 1. / freq_req # t = np.linspace(0,period,n_points) # # # pre-compute auxiliary phase vector and shape it accordingly # phase = np.exp(complex(0,1) * np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,n_points)) # phase = np.reshape(phase,(1,phase.shape[0])) # # # get width and height figure # wsize = figsize[0] # hsize = figsize[1] # # # plot mode evolution # cnt = 0 # # # loop over variables and modes # for var_id in vars_idx: # # # instantiate subplot figure 1 # fig1, spec1 = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=len(modes_idx), # figsize=(wsize,2.0*len(modes_idx)), sharex=True, squeeze=False) # # instantiate subplot figure 2 # fig2, spec2 = plt.subplots(ncols=len(modes_idx), nrows=1, # figsize=(2.0*len(modes_idx),hsize), sharey=True, squeeze=False) # # instantiate subplot figure 3 # fig3, spec3 = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=len(modes_idx), # figsize=(wsize,2.0*len(modes_idx)), sharex=True, squeeze=False) # # # pre-compute indices leading mode max value # tmp = np.squeeze(modes[:,:,var_id,0]) # if fftshift: # tmp = np.fft.fftshift(tmp, axes=1) # idx_x1, idx_x2 = np.where(np.abs(tmp) == np.amax(np.abs(tmp))) # # # loop over modes # for mode_id in modes_idx: # # # select mode and fft-shift it # mode = np.squeeze(modes[:,:,var_id,mode_id]) # # # check dimensions # if mode.ndim != 2: # raise ValueError('Dimension of the modes is not 2D.') # # if fftshift: # mode = np.fft.fftshift(mode, axes=1) # # # check dimension axes and data # size_coords = x1.shape[0] * x2.shape[0] # if size_coords != mode.size: # raise ValueError( # 'Mode dimension does not match coordinates dimensions.') # # if x1.shape[0] != mode.shape[1] or x2.shape[0] != mode.shape[0]: # mode = mode.T # # # identify mode max indices per each mode if required # if max_each_mode: # idx_x1, idx_x2 = np.where(np.abs(mode) == np.amax(np.abs(mode))) # # # select modes at maximum values in x1 and x2 # mode_x1 = mode[idx_x1,:] # mode_x2 = mode[:,idx_x2] # # # plot mode vs. x1, x2 with lines # fig1.add_subplot(spec1[cnt,0]) # ax = plt.gca() # ax_obj = ax.contourf(x1, x2, np.real(mode)) # ax.axhline(x1[idx_x2], xmin=0, xmax=1,color='k',linestyle='--') # ax.axvline(x2[idx_x1], ymin=0, ymax=1,color='k',linestyle='--') # # axis management # ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(ax, x1, x2) # ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = ax_divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # plt.colorbar(ax_obj, cax=cax) # if equal_axes: # ax.set_aspect('equal') # if len(title) > 1: fig1.suptitle(f'{title} - var: {var_id}') # else: fig1.suptitle(f'var: {var_id}') # ax.set_ylabel(f'Mode a {mode_id}', rotation=0, labelpad=30, # bbox=dict(facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5)) # # save or show plots # tmp_name = filename # tmp_name = filename # if filename: # basename, ext = splitext(filename) # tmp_name = f'{basename}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' # _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt) # # # plots per fixed x1 vs. t # mode_phase_x2 = np.matmul(mode_x1.T, phase) # fig2.add_subplot(spec2[0,cnt]) # ax = plt.gca() # ax_obj = ax.pcolormesh( # t, x1, # np.real(mode_phase_x2), # shading='gouraud', # vmin=np.nanmin(mode_phase_x2.real), # vmax=np.nanmax(mode_phase_x2.real)) # # axis management # ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(t )*1.05,np.nanmax(t )*1.05) # ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(x2)*1.05,np.nanmax(x2)*1.05) # ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="5%", pad=0.65) # plt.colorbar(ax_obj, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal") # if equal_axes: # ax.set_aspect('equal') # if len(title) > 1: fig2.suptitle(f'{title} - var: {var_id}') # else: fig2.suptitle(f'var: {var_id}') # ax.set_xlabel(f'Mode b {mode_id}', # bbox=dict(facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5)) # # save or show plots # tmp_name = filename # if filename: # basename, ext = splitext(filename) # tmp_name = f'x1_t_{basename}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' # _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt) # # # plots per fixed x2 vs. t # mode_phase_x1 = np.matmul(mode_x2, phase.conj()) # fig3.add_subplot(spec3[cnt,0]) # ax = plt.gca() # ax_obj = ax.pcolormesh( # x2, t, # np.real(mode_phase_x1).T, # shading='gouraud', # vmin=np.nanmin(mode_phase_x1.real), # vmax=np.nanmax(mode_phase_x1.real)) # # axis management # ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(ax, x1, x2) # ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = ax_divider.append_axes("right", size="2.5%", pad=0.05) # plt.colorbar(ax_obj, cax=cax) # if equal_axes: # ax.set_aspect('equal') # if len(title) > 1: fig3.suptitle(f'{title} - var: {var_id}') # else: fig3.suptitle(f'var: {var_id}') # ax.set_ylabel(f'Mode c {mode_id}', rotation=0, labelpad=30, # bbox=dict(facecolor='gray', alpha=0.5)) # # save or show plots # tmp_name = filename # if filename: # basename, ext = splitext(filename) # tmp_name = f'x2_t_{basename}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' # _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt) # cnt = cnt + 1
[docs] def plot_3d_modes_slice_at_frequency( results_path, freq_req, freq, vars_idx=[0], modes_idx=[0], x1=None, x2=None, x3=None, slice_dim=0, slice_id=None, fftshift=False, imaginary=False, plot_max=False, coastlines='', title='', xticks=None, yticks=None, figsize=(12,8), equal_axes=False, path='CWD', filename=None, origin=None): ''' Plot SPOD modes for 3D problems at a given frequency `freq_req`. :param str results_path: file containing 3D SPOD modes. :param float freq_req: frequency to be plotted. :param numpy.ndarray freq: frequency array. :param int or sequence(int) vars_idx: variables to be plotted. Default, the first variable is plotted. :param int or sequence(int) modes_idx: modes to be plotted. Default, the first mode is plotted. :param numpy.ndarray x1: x-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param numpy.ndarray x2: y-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param numpy.ndarray x3: z-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param int slice_dim: axis to slice. Either 0, 1, or 2. Default is 0. :param int slice_id: id of the slice to extract along \ `slice_dim`. Default is None. In this case, the slice_id is selected \ as the one that corresponds to the maximum value along `slice_dim`. :param bool fftshift: whether to perform fft-shifting. Default is False. :param bool imaginary: whether to plot imaginary part. Default is False :param bool plot_max: whether to plot a dot at maximum value of the plot. \ Default is False. :param str coastlines: whether to overlay coastlines. \ Options are `regular` (longitude from 0 to 360) \ and `centred` (longitude from -180 to 180) \ Default is '' (no coastlines). :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param tuple or list xticks: ticks to be set on x-axis. Default is None. :param tuple or list yticks: ticks to be set on y-axis. Default is None. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param bool equal_axes: if True, the axes will be equal. Default is False. :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # get idx modes if isinstance(modes_idx, int): modes_idx = [modes_idx] if not isinstance(modes_idx, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError('`modes_idx` must be a list or tuple') # get modes at required frequency freq_val, freq_idx = find_nearest_freq( freq_req=freq_req, freq=freq) modes = get_modes_at_freq( results_path=results_path, freq_idx=freq_idx) # if domain dimensions have not been passed, use data dimensions if x1 is None and x2 is None and x3 is None: x1 = np.arange(modes.shape[0]) x2 = np.arange(modes.shape[1]) x3 = np.arange(modes.shape[2]) # loop over variables and modes for var_id in vars_idx: for mode_id in modes_idx: # extract mode mode_3d = np.squeeze(modes[:,:,:,var_id,mode_id]) # check dimensions if mode_3d.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('Dimension of the modes is not 3D.') if slice_id is None: slice_id = 0 if slice_dim == 0: mode = mode_3d[slice_id,:,:] elif slice_dim == 1: mode = mode_3d[:,slice_id,:] elif slice_dim == 2: mode = mode_3d[:,:,slice_id] # coord 1 if mode.shape[0] == x1.shape[0]: xx = x1; flag1 = 'x1' elif mode.shape[0] == x2.shape[0]: xx = x2; flag1 = 'x2' elif mode.shape[0] == x3.shape[0]: xx = x3; flag1 = 'x3' # coord 2 if (mode.shape[1] == x1.shape[0]) and (flag1 != 'x1'): yy = x1; flag2 = 'x1' elif (mode.shape[1] == x2.shape[0]) and (flag1 != 'x2'): yy = x2; flag2 = 'x2' elif (mode.shape[1] == x3.shape[0]) and (flag1 != 'x3'): yy = x3; flag2 = 'x3' # perform fft shift if required if fftshift: mode = np.fft.fftshift(mode, axes=1) # plot data if imaginary: # initialize figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) real_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) real = real_ax.contourf( xx, yy, np.real(mode).T, vmin=-np.abs(mode).max(), vmax= np.abs(mode).max(), origin=origin) imag_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) imag = imag_ax.contourf( xx, yy, np.imag(mode).T, vmin=-np.abs(mode).max(), vmax= np.abs(mode).max(), origin=origin) if plot_max: idx_x1,idx_x2 = \ np.where(np.abs(mode) == np.amax(np.abs(mode))) real_ax = _apply_2d_vertical_lines( real_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) imag_ax = _apply_2d_vertical_lines( imag_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) real_divider = make_axes_locatable(real_ax) imag_divider = make_axes_locatable(imag_ax) real_cax = real_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) imag_cax = imag_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(real, cax=real_cax) plt.colorbar(imag, cax=imag_cax) # overlay coastlines if required real_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, real_ax) imag_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, imag_ax) # axis management real_ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(xx)*1.05,np.nanmax(xx)*1.05) real_ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(yy)*1.05,np.nanmax(yy)*1.05) imag_ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(xx)*1.05,np.nanmax(xx)*1.05) imag_ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(yy)*1.05,np.nanmax(yy)*1.05) real_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(real_ax, xticks, yticks) imag_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(imag_ax, xticks, yticks) if equal_axes: real_ax.set_aspect('equal') imag_ax.set_aspect('equal') real_ax.set_xlabel(flag1); imag_ax.set_xlabel(flag1) real_ax.set_ylabel(flag2); imag_ax.set_ylabel(flag2) if len(title) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'{title}, mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') else: fig.suptitle(f'mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') real_ax.set_title('Real part') imag_ax.set_title('Imaginary part') else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) real_ax = plt.gca() real = real_ax.contourf( xx, yy, np.real(mode).T, vmin=-np.abs(mode).max(), vmax= np.abs(mode).max(), origin=origin) if plot_max: idx_x1,idx_x2 = \ np.where(np.abs(mode) == np.amax(np.abs(mode))) real_ax = _apply_2d_vertical_lines( real_ax, x1, x2, idx_x1, idx_x2) real_divider = make_axes_locatable(real_ax) real_cax = real_divider.append_axes("right",size="5%",pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(real, cax=real_cax) # overlay coastlines if required real_ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, real_ax) # axis management if equal_axes: real_ax.set_aspect('equal') real_ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(real_ax, xticks, yticks) real_ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(xx)*1.05,np.nanmax(xx)*1.05) real_ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(yy)*1.05,np.nanmax(yy)*1.05) real_ax.set_xlabel(flag1) real_ax.set_ylabel(flag2) if len(title) > 1: real_ax.set_title(\ f'{title}, slice mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') else: real_ax.set_title(\ f'slice mode: {mode_id}, var: {var_id}') # padding between elements plt.tight_layout(pad=2.) # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = f'{basename}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_mode_tracers( results_path, freq_req, freq, coords_list, x=None, vars_idx=[0], modes_idx=[0], fftshift=False, title='', figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot SPOD mode tracers for nD problems at given frequency `freq_req`. :param str results_path: file containing nD SPOD modes. :param float freq_req: frequency to be plotted. :param numpy.ndarray freq: frequency array. :param list(tuple(*),) coords_list: list of tuples containing coordinates to be plotted. :param numpy.ndarray x: data coordinates. Default is None. :type int or sequence(int) vars_idx: variables to be plotted. \ Default, the first variable is plotted. :type int or sequence(int) modes_idx: modes to be plotted. \ Default, the first mode is plotted. :param bool fftshift: whether to perform fft-shifting. Default is False. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. \ Default is None. ''' # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # get idx modes if isinstance(modes_idx, int): modes_idx = [modes_idx] if not isinstance(modes_idx, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError('`modes_idx` must be a list or tuple') # if domain dimensions have not been passed as argument, # use the data dimensions if not coords_list: print('You must provide coords to `plot_mode_tracers` ' 'in the form list(tuple(), tuple(), ...)') # check the coord_list is indeed list if not isinstance(coords_list, list): raise TypeError('`coords` must be a list') # get modes at required frequency freq_val, freq_idx = find_nearest_freq( freq_req=freq_req, freq=freq) modes = get_modes_at_freq( results_path=results_path, freq_idx=freq_idx) xdim = modes[...,0,0].shape # get default coordinates if not provided if x is None: x = [np.arange(xdim[i]) for i in range(0, len(xdim))] # get width and height figure wsize = figsize[0] # calculate period and time vector n_points = 100 period = 1. / freq_req t = np.linspace(0,period,n_points) # pre-compute auxiliary phase vector and shape it accordingly phase = np.exp(complex(0,1) * np.linspace(0,10*np.pi,n_points)) # loop over coordinates requested for coords in coords_list: if not isinstance(coords, tuple): raise TypeError('each element of `coords` must be a tuple.') coords, idx_coords = find_nearest_coords(coords, x, xdim) fig, spec = plt.subplots( ncols=1, nrows=len(modes_idx), figsize=(wsize,1.5*len(modes_idx)), squeeze=False, sharex=True) cnt = 0 for var_id in vars_idx: for mode_id in modes_idx: mode = np.squeeze(modes[...,var_id,mode_id]) if fftshift: mode = np.fft.fftshift(mode, axes=1) mode_point_phase = mode[idx_coords] * phase.conj() ax = fig.add_subplot(spec[cnt,0]) _ = ax.plot(t, np.real(mode_point_phase), 'k-') ax.set_ylabel(f'mode {mode_id}', rotation=0, labelpad=30, bbox=dict(facecolor='gray',alpha=0.5)) if len(title) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'{title}, mode tracers at {coords}') else: fig.suptitle(f'mode tracers at {coords}') cnt = cnt + 1 ax.set_xlabel('time') # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = \ f'{basename}_coords{coords}_var{var_id}_mode{mode_id}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt)
def plot_coeffs(coeffs, coeffs_idx=[0], equal_axes=False, figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename=None): # initialize figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for ci in coeffs_idx: plt.plot(coeffs[ci,:], 'k-') plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel(f'coeff {ci}') # axis management if equal_axes: plt.axis('equal') # padding between elements plt.tight_layout() # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = f'{basename}_coeff_id{ci}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_2d_data(X, time_idx=[0], vars_idx=[0], x1=None, x2=None, xticks=None, yticks=None, equal_axes=False, title='', coastlines='', figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename=None, origin=None): ''' Plot 2D data. :param numpy.ndarray X: 2D data to be plotted. \ First dimension must be time. Last dimension must be variable. :param list vars_idx: list of variables to plot. Default, \ first variable is plotted. :param list time_idx: list of time indices to plot. Default, \ first time index is plotted. :param numpy.ndarray x1: x-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param numpy.ndarray x2: y-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param str coastlines: whether to overlay coastlines. \ Options are `regular` (longitude from 0 to 360) \ and `centred` (longitude from -180 to 180) \ Default is '' (no coastlines). :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. ''' # check dimensions if X.ndim != 4: raise ValueError('Dimension of data is not 2D.') # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # if domain dimensions have not been passed, use data dimensions if x1 is None and x2 is None: x1 = np.arange(X.shape[1]) x2 = np.arange(X.shape[2]) # get time index if isinstance(time_idx, int): time_idx = [time_idx] if not isinstance(time_idx, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError('`time_idx` must be a list or tuple') # loop over variables and time indices for var_id in vars_idx: for time_id in time_idx: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() if len(title) > 1: fig.suptitle(f'{title}, time id {time_id}, variable {var_id}') else: fig.suptitle(f'time id {time_id}, variable {var_id}') # get 2D data x = np.real(X[time_id,...,var_id]) # check dimension axes and data size_coords = x1.shape[0] * x2.shape[0] if size_coords != x.size: raise ValueError(\ 'Data dimension does not match coordinates dimensions.') if (x1.shape[0] != x.shape[1]) or (x2.shape[0] != x.shape[0]): x = x.T # plot data contour = ax.contourf( x1, x2, x, vmin=np.nanmin(x), vmax=np.nanmax(x), origin=origin) # colorbar divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(contour, cax=cax) # overlay coastlines if required ax = _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, ax) # axis management if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') # axis management ax, xticks, yticks = _format_axes(ax, xticks, yticks) ax = _set_2d_axes_limits(ax, x1, x2) # padding between elements plt.tight_layout(pad=2.) # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = f'{basename}_var{var_id}_time{time_id}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt)
[docs] def plot_data_tracers(X, coords_list, x=None, time_limits=[0,10], vars_idx=[0], title='', figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot data tracers for nD problems. :param numpy.ndarray X: nD data. :param list(tuple(*),) coords_list: list of tuples containing coordinates to be plotted. :param numpy.ndarray x: data coordinates. Default is None. :param 2-element list time_limits: lower and upper time bounds to be plotted. Default is first 10 timeframes are plotted. :type int or sequence(int) vars_idx: variables to be plotted. Default, the first variable is plotted. :param str title: if specified, title of the plot. Default is ''. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. Default is None. ''' # check coord_list has correct shape and type if not coords_list: print('You must provide coords to `plot_mode_tracers` ' 'in the form list(tuple(), tuple(), ...)') if not isinstance(coords_list, list): raise TypeError('`coords` must be a list') # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # time range time_range = list(range(time_limits[0],time_limits[-1])) # get default coordinates if not provided xdim = X[0,...,0].shape if x is None: x = [np.arange(xdim[i]) for i in range(0,len(xdim))] # loop over coordinates requested for coords in coords_list: if not isinstance(coords, tuple): raise TypeError('each element of `coords` must be a tuple.') # get nearest coordinates coords, idx_coords = find_nearest_coords(coords, x, xdim) # loop over variables for var_id in vars_idx: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) x_time = X[(slice(time_limits[0],time_limits[-1]),) \ + idx_coords + (var_id,)] plt.plot(time_range, x_time, 'k-') if len(title) > 1: plt.title(f'{title}, data tracers at {coords}') else: plt.title(f'Data tracers at {coords}') plt.xlabel('time') # save or show plots tmp_name = filename if filename: basename, ext = splitext(filename) tmp_name = f'{basename}_coords{coords}_var{var_id}{ext}' _save_show_plots(tmp_name, path, plt)
def generate_2d_subplot( var1, title1, var2=None, title2=None, var3=None, title3=None, N_round=6, path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Generate three 2D subplots of 1d data in the same figure. :param numpy.ndarray var1: 1D data for first variable. :param str title1: title for first subplot. :param numpy.ndarray var2: 1D data for second variable. Default is None. :param str title2: title for first subplot. Default is None. :param numpy.ndarray var3: 1D data for third variable. Default is None. :param str title3: title for first subplot. Default is None. :param int N_round: dimension of text and axis. :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. Default is None. ''' csfont = {'fontname':get_font()} multiplier = 10 ** N_round max_val = np.ceil (np.max(var1.real) * multiplier) / multiplier min_val = np.floor(np.min(var1.real) * multiplier) / multiplier ticks_range = np.linspace(min_val, max_val, num=5) n_subplots = 1 if var2 is not None: n_subplots = 2 if var3 is not None: n_subplots = 3 if n_subplots == 1: fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) if n_subplots == 2: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) if n_subplots == 3: fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.set_size_inches(10, 8/3*n_subplots) plt.set_cmap('coolwarm') fig.tight_layout(pad=5.0) cax1 = ax1.contourf(var1[:,:], levels=np.linspace(min_val, max_val, 9)) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=11) cb1=plt.colorbar(cax1, ax=ax1, ticks=ticks_range, aspect=10) ax1.set_title(title1, fontsize=18,**csfont) ax1.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=16,**csfont) ax1.set_ylabel('y',fontsize=16,**csfont) if (n_subplots == 2) or (n_subplots == 3): ax2.tick_params(labelsize=11) cax2 = ax2.contourf(var2, levels=np.linspace(min_val, max_val, 9)) cb2=plt.colorbar(cax2, ax=ax2, ticks=ticks_range, aspect=10) ax2.set_title(title2, fontsize=18, **csfont) ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=16, **csfont) ax2.set_ylabel('y',fontsize=16, **csfont) if n_subplots == 3: ax3.tick_params(labelsize=11) cax3 = ax3.contourf(var3, levels=np.linspace(min_val, max_val, 9)) cb3=plt.colorbar(cax3, ax=ax3, ticks=ticks_range, aspect=10) ax3.set_title(title3, fontsize=18, **csfont) ax3.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=16, **csfont) ax3.set_ylabel('y',fontsize=16, **csfont) _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt) def plot_compare_time_series( series1, series2, label1='', label2='', figsize=(12,8), legendLocation='upper left', path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Compare two time series in the same figure. :param numpy.ndarray series1: first time series. :param numpy.ndarray series2: second time series. :param str label1: title for first time series. Default is ''. :param str label2: title for first time series. Default is ''. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). Default is (12,8). :param str legendLocation: location of the legend. Default is 'upper left' :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. Default is None. ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis = 'both', which='major', labelsize=18) plt.plot(series1, color = 'black') plt.plot(series2, color='gray') # plt.title('model loss') plt.tight_layout(pad=3.) plt.ylabel('Coefficient value', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Index', fontsize=20) plt.legend([label1, label2], loc=legendLocation, fontsize=18) _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt) def plot_training_histories( loss, val_loss, figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename=None): ''' Plot training history of training used in emulation. :param numpy.ndarray loss: training loss. :param numpy.ndarray val_loss: validation loss. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. Default is None. ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18) plt.plot(loss, color='black') plt.plot(val_loss, color = 'gray') # plt.title('model loss') plt.tight_layout(pad=3.) plt.ylabel('loss', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('epoch', fontsize=20) plt.legend(['train', 'validation'], loc='upper right', fontsize=18) _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animations # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def generate_2d_data_video(X, time_limits=[0,10], vars_idx=[0], sampling=1, x1=None, x2=None, coastlines='', figsize=(12,8), path='CWD', filename='data_video.mp4'): ''' Make movie of 2D data. :param numpy.ndarray X: 2D data to be plotted. \ First dimension must be time. Last dimension must be variable. :param 2-element list time_limits: lower and upper time bounds \ to be used for video. Default is first 10 timeframes are used. :param int sampling: sample data every `sampling` timeframes. \ Default is 1 (use all timeframes). :param numpy.ndarray x1: x-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param numpy.ndarray x2: y-axis coordinate. Default is None. :param str coastlines: whether to overlay coastlines. \ Options are `regular` (longitude from 0 to 360) \ and `centred` (longitude from -180 to 180) \ Default is '' (no coastlines). :param tuple(int,int) figsize: size of the figure (width,height). \ Default is (12,8). :param str path: if specified, the plot is saved at `path`. Default is CWD. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. ''' command = shutil.which("ffmpeg") if (command is None) or (command is False): print('Skipping creating ffmpeg video as `ffmpeg` not present.') return # check dimensions if X.ndim != 4: raise ValueError('Dimension of data is not 2D.') # get idx variables vars_idx = _check_vars(vars_idx) # if domain dimensions have not been passed, use data dimensions if x1 is None and x2 is None: x1 = np.arange(X.shape[1]) x2 = np.arange(X.shape[2]) # time range time_range = list(range(time_limits[0],time_limits[-1])) time_range = time_range[0::sampling] # check dimension axes and data size_coords = x1.shape[0] * x2.shape[0] if size_coords != X[0,...,0].size: raise ValueError(\ 'Data dimension does not match coordinates dimensions.') transpose = False if x1.shape[0] != X.shape[2] or x2.shape[0] != X.shape[1]: transpose = True # overlay coastlines if required cst = False if coastlines.lower() == 'regular': coast = loadmat(os.path.join(plot_support,'coast.mat')) cst = True elif coastlines.lower() == 'centred': coast = loadmat(os.path.join(plot_support,'coast_centred.mat')) cst = True # filename basename, ext = splitext(filename) # Generate movie #vmin = np.nanmin(X) #vmax = np.nanmax(X) vmean = np.nanmean(X) for i in vars_idx: fig = plt.figure() # generate movie if cst: if transpose: frames = [ [plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, np.real(X[state,...,i].T), shading='gouraud'), plt.scatter(coast['coastlon'], coast['coastlat'], marker='.', c='k', s=1)] for state in time_range ] else: frames = [ [plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, np.real(X[state,...,i]), shading='gouraud'), plt.scatter(coast['coastlon'], coast['coastlat'], marker='.', c='k', s=1)] for state in time_range ] else: if transpose: frames = [ [plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, np.real(X[state,...,i].T), shading='gouraud')] for state in time_range ] else: frames = [ [plt.pcolormesh(x1, x2, np.real(X[state,...,i]), shading='gouraud')] for state in time_range ] a = animation.ArtistAnimation( fig, frames, interval=70, blit=False, repeat=False) if path == 'CWD': path = CWD tmp_name = f'{basename}_var{i}{ext}' Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = Writer(fps=15, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800), tmp_name), writer=writer) plt.close('all')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Auxiliary plotting functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _format_axes(ax, xticks, yticks): if xticks: ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticks) if yticks: ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(yticks) return ax, xticks, yticks def _check_vars(vars_idx): if isinstance(vars_idx, int): vars_idx = [vars_idx] if not isinstance(vars_idx, (list,tuple)): raise TypeError('`vars_idx` must be a list or tuple') return vars_idx def _save_show_plots(filename, path, plt, pdf = None): # save or show plots if pdf: pdf.savefig() elif filename: if path == 'CWD': path = CWD plt.savefig(os.path.join(path,filename), dpi=200) plt.close() else: def _set_2d_axes_limits(ax, x1, x2): ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(x1)*1.05,np.nanmax(x1)*1.05) ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(x2)*1.05,np.nanmax(x2)*1.05) return ax def _apply_2d_coastlines(coastlines, ax): # overlay coastlines if required if coastlines.lower() == 'regular': coast = loadmat(os.path.join(plot_support,'coast.mat')) ax.scatter(coast['coastlon'], coast['coastlat'], marker='.', c='k', s=1) elif coastlines.lower() == 'centred': coast = loadmat(\ os.path.join(plot_support,'coast_centred.mat')) ax.scatter(coast['coastlon'], coast['coastlat'], marker='.', c='k', s=1) return ax def _apply_2d_vertical_lines(ax, x1, x2, idx1, idx2): ax.axhline(x1[idx1], xmin=0, xmax=1,color='k',linestyle='--') ax.axvline(x2[idx2], ymin=0, ymax=1,color='k',linestyle='--') return ax # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute useful quantities # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_energy_spectrum(u): # transform to Fourier space array_hat = np.real(np.fft.fft(u)) # normalizing data nx = u.size array_new = np.copy(array_hat / float(nx)) # energy spectrum espec = 0.5 * np.absolute(array_new)**2 # angle averaging eplot = np.zeros(nx // 2, dtype='double') for i in range(1, nx // 2): eplot[i] = 0.5 * (espec[i] + espec[nx - i]) return eplot # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------