Source code for pyspod.utils.weights

'''Module implementing weights for standard cases.'''

# import standard python packages
import numpy as np
import pyspod.utils.parallel as utils_par

[docs] def geo_trapz_2D(x1_dim, x2_dim, n_vars, **kwargs): ''' 2D integration weights for geospatial data via trapezoidal rule. :param numpy.ndarray x1_dim: first spatial coordinate. :param numpy.ndarray x2_dim: second spatial coordinate. :param int n_vars: number of variables. :return: the computed weights. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' ## get optional parameter (radius of e.g. Earth). Default is 1 R = kwargs.get('R', 1) ## define latitude and longitude coordinates lat = np.linspace(-90, 90, x1_dim) lon = np.linspace( 0,360, x2_dim+1) lon = lon[0:-1] lat_rad = lat / 360 * 2 * np.pi lon_rad = lon / 360 * 2 * np.pi diff_lat = np.diff(lat_rad) diff_lat = diff_lat[0:-1] d_lat = np.hstack([diff_lat[1]/2, diff_lat, diff_lat[-1]/2]) tmp = np.diff(lon_rad, axis=0) d_lon = np.hstack([lon_rad[0]/2, tmp]) d_lat = np.tile(d_lat, [x2_dim, 1]) d_lon = np.tile(d_lon, [x1_dim, 1]) ## cos(latitude) since lat \in [-90 90] deg dA = np.abs(R**2 * np.cos(lat_rad) * d_lon.T * d_lat).T dA = np.tile(dA, [n_vars, 1, 1]) dA = np.einsum('ijk->jki', dA) w = { 'weights_name': 'geo_trapz_2D', 'weights': dA } return w
[docs] def geo_trapz_3D(x1_dim, x2_dim, x3_dim, n_vars, **kwargs): ''' 3D integration weights for geospatial data via trapezoidal rule. :param numpy.ndarray x1_dim: first spatial coordinate. :param numpy.ndarray x2_dim: second spatial coordinate. :param numpy.ndarray x3_dim: third spatial coordinate. :param int n_vars: number of variables. :return: the computed weights. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' ## get optional parameter (radius of e.g. Earth). Default is 1 R = kwargs.get('R', 1) ## define latitude and longitude coordinates lat = np.linspace(-90,90,x1_dim) lon = np.linspace(0,360,x2_dim+1) lon = lon[0:-1] lat_rad = lat / 360 * 2 * np.pi lon_rad = lon / 360 * 2 * np.pi diff_lat = np.diff(lat_rad) diff_lat = diff_lat[0:-1] d_lat = np.hstack([diff_lat[1]/2, diff_lat, diff_lat[-1]/2]) tmp = np.diff(lon_rad, axis=0) d_lon = np.hstack([lon_rad[0]/2, tmp]) d_lat = np.tile(d_lat, [x2_dim, 1]) d_lon = np.tile(d_lon, [x1_dim, 1]) ## cos(latitude) since lat \in [-90 90] deg dA = np.abs(R**2 * np.cos(lat_rad) * d_lon.T * d_lat).T dA = np.tile(dA, [x3_dim, 1, 1]) dA = np.einsum('ijk->jki', dA) dA = np.tile(dA, [n_vars, 1, 1]) w = { 'weights_name': 'geo_trapz_3D', 'weights': dA } return w
[docs] def custom(**kwargs): ''' Customized weights to be implemented by user if required. Note, weights must have the same dimension as the data flattened spatial dimension (i.e. if we have two spatial dimensions, with length 10, and 20, respectively, and we have two variables, this function must return a np.ndarray of dimension = 10 x 20 x 2 = 400). ''' pass
[docs] def apply_normalization( data, weights, n_vars, method='variance', comm=None): ''' Normalization of weights if required by data variance. :param numpy.ndarray data: data. :param numpy.ndarray weights: weights. :param int n_vars: number of variables. :param int method: normalization method. Default is 'variance'. :param MPI.Comm comm: MPI communicator. :return: the normalized weights. :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' ## variable-wise normalization by variance via weight matrix if comm is not None: if method.lower() == 'variance': if comm.rank == 0: print('') print('Normalization by variance - parallel') print('------------------------------------') axis = tuple(np.arange(0, data[...,0].ndim)) for i in range(0, n_vars): var, _, _ = utils_par.pvar(data[...,i], comm=comm) weights[...,i] = weights[...,i] / var else: if comm.rank: print('') print('No normalization performed') print('--------------------------') else: if method.lower() == 'variance': print('') print('Normalization by variance - serial') print('----------------------------------') axis = tuple(np.arange(0, data[...,0].ndim)) for i in range(0, n_vars): var = np.nanvar(data[...,i], axis=axis) weights[...,i] = weights[...,i] / var else: print('') print('No normalization performed') print('--------------------------') return weights